Fast Flow Liquid Chromatography- STP Series

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Fast Flow Liquid Chromatography- STP Series

Yocell Fast Flow Liquid Chromatography- STP Series

STP Protein Chromatography System is a brand-new, next-generation, protein chromatography system developed by Sepure Instruments. Its compact and rational layout design reduces the overall delay volume of the flow path, and the integrated valve design allows for more flexible and automated flow path switching. It is primarily used for laboratory-level process resea rch and method development, catering to the purification of ta rget products such as proteins, antibodies, vaccines, nucleic acids, and diagnostic materials rang ing from micrograms to tens of grams.The all-new generation of PUREfect® Protein Chromatography Workstation provides an intuitive and flexible method editor, system control, and data analysis to meet va rious purification process requirements. The parameter settings interface is visualized, displaying real-time operational data, and the efficient and reliable data processing system makes data analysis easy.

The new PURfect P® software seamlessly integrates the Design of Experiments (DOE) functionality, allowing for minimal experimental input and intelligent analysis to achieve optimal process conditions and results.

  • Easy Start, Pause Botton, Convenient Operation
  • Upgraded Modules, More powefull funtions
  • Air Bubble Sensor integrated in valves
  • Purge valve and back pressure valve make gradient more precise
  • Revomable tray, prevent leakage, easy to clean
  • Whole sealing UV-Detector, Anti-interference
  • Large valve head, design tube and pipelines are easy to connect
  • Multi-functions injection valve support method switching
  • Five column selection valve, forward and reverse flushing, column auto selection
  • PURfect software include DOE, Scouting functions
  • pH valve provides multiple flow path switching no need to disassemble  to calibrate and save