Sipper Sack
Flexible and user-friendly, Sipper Sack utilizes a disposable, sterilized, plastic sack and a reusable, autoclavable, stainless steel drinking valve to water laboratory animals. Conveniently filled at the point-of-use, the system performs in-room, on-demand sack filling under the cage changing station’s controlled environment. The compact filler fits easily in the cage changing station, and the user can customize the fill volume using simple, intuitive controls. While the Sipper Sack is filling, the animal technician performs the cage change. If you need to medicate the water, just inject water-soluble medications into the fill port prior to inserting the valve. Next, place the Sipper Sack into the cage, just as you would a water bottle. When you perform the next cage change, simply remove the Sipper Sack and pull out the valve before disposing the bag.
- Sipper Sack is filled at the point of use, eliminating the ergonomic dangers, corridor clutter, and labor cost associated with pre-filling, carting, washing, and storing water bottles
- Provides easy, accurate dosing – water-soluble drugs are easily injected into the sack prior to inserting the drinking valve
- Compact filler and sacks save on space
- Drip-free drinking valve ensures cages stay dry
- Provides superior water quality and extended life compared to bottles - patented valve design does not allow back bubbling of contaminants into the sack
- Ideal for use in critical environments – no water bottles to autoclave