BELSORP MAX II HP Surface Area & Pore Size Distribution Analyzer
BELSORP MAX II-HP, which can measure high pressure gas adsorption has been added to BELSORP MAX II series. Material characterization (BET, PSD, vapor adsorptions), adsorption measurement of various gases under high pressure and evaluation of adsorption rates are now possible by one unit.
- High pressure adsorption isotherm measurement up to 900 kPa in the adsorption temperature range of temperature of -10 to 70°C can be measured
- Achieves accurate adsorption measurements by automatic calculation of compression factors for non-ideality correction of various adsorption gases
- Dedicated analysis software BELMaster7 enables the evaluation of not only BET and pore size distribution but also adsorption rates.
- Structural evaluation of ultramicropores to mesopores (10 nm) based on activated carbon-CO2 (298 K) data up to about 1MPa
- Our unique function, Gas Dosing Optimization (GDO)) makes the measurement time significantly shorter